TF Reports
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Report Number | Authors | Title |
TF-1 (Sep-73) | A. Leonard | On the Energy Cascade in Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Fluid Flows |
TF-2 (Jun-74) | J.M. Sicilian & A. Leonard | The Use of Fourier Expansions in Turbulent Flow Simulations |
TF-3 (Aug-74) | S. Shaanan, J.H. Ferziger | A Direct Method of Solution of Poisson Equation Accurate to Fourth Order Computation of Turbulent Flows |
TF-4 (Apr-75) | W.C. Reynolds | Computation of Turbulent Flows |
TF-5 (May-75) | D. Kwak, W.C. Reynolds, J.H. Ferziger | Three Dimensional, Time-Dependent Computation of Turbulent Flow |
TF-6 (Aug-75) | S. Shaanan, J.H. Ferziger, W.C. Reynolds | Numerical Simulation of Turbulence in the Presence of Shear |
TF-7 (May-75) | H. Lee Norris, W.C. Reynolds | Turbulent Channel Flow with a Moving Wavy Boundary |
TF-8 (May-75) | M. Acharya, W.C. Reynolds | Measurements and Predictions of a Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow with Imposed Controlled Oscillations |
TF-9 (Mar-77) | R.A. Clark, J.H. Ferziger, W.C. Reynolds | Evaluation of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Models using a Fully Simulated Turbulent Flow |
TF-10 | Numbering Error | Does Not Exist |
TF-11 (Apr-78) | N.N. Mansour, J.H. Ferziger, W.C. Reynolds | Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Mixing Layer |
TF-12 (May-78) | P. Moin, W.C. Reynolds, J.H. Ferziger | Large Eddy Simulation of Incompressible Turbulent Channel Flow |
TF-13 (Mar-81) | W.J. Feiereisen, W.C. Reynolds, J.H. Ferziger | Numerical Simulation of a Compressible Homogeneous, Turbulent Shear Flow |
TF-14 (Mar-81) | A.B. Cain, W.C. Reynolds, J.H. Ferziger | A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Transition and Early Turbulence in a Time-Developing Mixing Layer |
TF-15 (May-81) | E. Shirani, J.H. Ferziger, W.C. Reynolds | Mixing of a Passive Scalar in Isotropic and Sheared Homogeneous Turbulence |
TF-16 (Mar-81) | J.H. Ferziger | Higher-Level Simulations of Turbulent Flows |
TF-17 (Mar-82) | E.E. Bouchard Jr, W.C. Reynolds | The Structure and Growth of the Mixing Layer Region of a Round Jet |
TF-18 (Dec-82) | R. Jayaraman, P. Parikh, W.C. Reynolds | An Experimental Study of the Dynamics of An Unsteady Turbulent Boundary Layer |
TF-19 (May-83) | J. Bardina, J.H. Ferziger, W.C. Reynolds | Improved Turbulence Models Based on Large Eddy Simulation of Homogeneous, Incompressible, Turbulent Flows |
TF-20 (Jul-84) | R.D. Moser, P. Moin | Direct Numerical Simulation of Curved Turbulent Channel Flow |
TF-21 (May-85) | C.T. Wu, J.H. Ferziger, D.R. Chapman | Simulation and Modeling of Homogeneous, Compressed Turbulence |
TF-22 (Aug-85) | M. Lee, W.C. Reynolds | Bifurcating and Blooming Jets |
TF-23 (Dec-85) | S.C. Caruso, J.H. Ferziger, J. Oliger | Adaptive Grid Techniques for Elliptic Fluid-Flow Problems |
TF-24 (Nov-85) | M.J. Lee, W.C. Reynolds | Numerical Experiments on the Structure of Homogeneous Turbulence |
TF-25 (Aug-86) | M.M. Rogers, P. Moin, W.C. Reynolds | The Structure and Modeling of the Hydrodynamic and Passive Scalar Fields in Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow |
TF-26 (Sep-86) | P.S. Lowery, W.C. Reynolds | Numerical Simulation of a Spatially-Developing, Forced, Plane Mixing Layer |
TF-27 (Nov-86) | K.L. Tzuoo, J.H. Ferziger, S.J. Kline | Zonal Models of Turbulence and Their Application to Free Shear Flows |
TF-28 (Jan-87) | A.A. Naqwi, W.C. Reynolds | Dual Cylindrical Wave Laser-Doppler Method for Measurement of Skin Friction in Fluid Flow |
TF-29 (May-87) | G.J. Brereton, W.C. Reynolds | Experimental Study of the Fluid Mechanics of Unsteady Turbulent Boundary Layers |
TF-30 (May-87) | W.H. Finley, J.B. Keller, J.H. Ferziger | Instability and Transition in Curved Channel Flow |
TF-31 (May-87) | B. Singer, J.H. Ferziger, H. Reed | Numerical Simulation Studies of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in the Plane Channel |
TF-32 (Dec-87) | U. Piomelli, J.H. Ferziger, P. Moin | Models for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Channel Flows including Transpiration |
TF-33 (Jun-88) | R.K. Avva, S.J. Kline, J.H. Ferziger | Computation of the Turbulent Flow over a Backward-Facing Step using the Zonal Modeling Approach |
TF-34 (Sep-88) | L.L. Pauley, P. Moin, W.C. Reynolds | A Numerical Study of Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layer Separation |
TF-35 (Dec-88) | D.E. Parekh, A. Leonard, W.C. Reynolds | Bifurcating Jets at High Reynolds Numbers |
TF-36 (Aug-93) | S. Bordalo, J.H. Ferziger | Zonal Models for Turbulence and Their Application to Boundary Layer Flows |
TF-37 (Nov-88) | K.S. Yang, P.R. Spalart, J.H. Ferziger | Numerical Studies on Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Boundary Layers |
TF-38 (Jan-89) | B. Afshari, J.H. Ferziger | Computation of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Mixed Convection Boundary Layers |
TF-39 (Apr-89) | A. A. Vogel, W.C. Reynolds | A Knowledge-Based Approach to Automated Flow-Field Zoning for Computational Fluid Dynamics |
TF-40 (Mar-89) | M.L. Merriam | An Entropy-Based Approach to Nonlinear Stability |
TF-41 (Dec-89) | K. Shariff, A. Leonard, J.H. Ferziger | Dynamics of a Class of Vortex Rings |
TF-42 (Dec-88) | W.W. Humphreys, W.C. Reynolds | An Experimental Study of the Effect of Streamwise Vortices on Unsteady Turbulent Boundary-Layer Separation |
TF-43 (Aug-89) | S. Mahalingam, B.J. Cantwell, J.H. Ferziger | Non-Premixed Combustion: Full Numerical Simulation of a Coflowing Axisymmetric Jet, Inviscid and Viscous Stability Analysis |
TF-44 (Oct-89) | C.J. Rutland, J.H. Ferziger, B.J. Cantwell | Effects of Strain, Vorticity, and Turbulence on Premixed Flames |
TF-45 (Sep-89) | N.D. Sandham, W.C. Reynolds | A Numerical Investigation of the Compressible Mixing Layer |
TF-46 (Nov-89) | J.H. Chen, B.J. Cantwell, N.N. Mansour | Direct Numerical Simulations of a Plane Compressible Wake: Stability, Vorticity Dynamics, and Topology |
TF-47 (Nov-89) | G.S. Lewis, B.J. Cantwell | An Experimental Investigation of Low-Speed Non-Premixed Flames and Buoyant Jets Using Particle Tracking |
TF-48 (Apr-90) | G.N. Coleman, J.H. Ferziger, P.R. Spalart | A Numerical Study of the Stratified Turbulent Ekman Layer |
TF-49 (Aug-90) | R.W. Henk, W.C. Reynolds, H.L. Reed | An Experimental Investigation of the Fluid Mechanics of an Unsteady, Three-Dimensional Separation |
TF-50 (Jan-91) | G.A. Blaisdell, N.N. Mansour, W.C. Reynolds | Numerical Simulations of Compressible Homogeneous Turbulence |
TF-51 (Mar-91) | A.B. Carlson, W.C. Reynolds | An Experimental Technique for Investigation of Instantaneous Wall Heat Flux to a Turbulent Boundary Layer in Water |
TF-52 (Mar-92) | S. Lee, P. Moin, S.K. Lele | Interaction of Isotropic Turbulence with a Shock Wave |
TF-53 (Mar-92) | D.S. Shin, J.H. Ferziger | Stability of the Compressible Reacting Mixing Layer |
TF-54 (Apr-92) | J.C. Neves, P. Moin, R.D. Moser | Numerical Study of Axial Turbulent Flow Over Long Cylinders |
TF-55 (Sep-92) | H. Choi, P. Moin, J. Kim | Turbulent Drag Reduction: Studies of Feedback Control and Flow Over Riblets |
TF-56 (Oct-92) | O.H. Planche, W.C. Reynolds | A Numerical Investigation of the Compressible Reacting Mixing Layer |
TF-57 (Dec-92) | O. Sendstad, P. Moin | The Near Wall Mechanics of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers |
TF-58 (Jan-95) | H. Le, P. Moin | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow Over a Backward-Facing Step |
TF-59 (Sep-93) | P.J.D. Juvet, W.C. Reynolds | Control of High Reynolds Number Round Jets |
TF-60 (Oct-93) | J.B. Perot, P. Moin | Shear-Free Turbulent Boundary Layers: Physics and Modeling |
TF-61 (Dec-94) | S.C. Kassinos, W.C. Reynolds | A Structure-Based Model for the Rapid Distortion of Homogeneous Turbulence |
TF-62 (Dec-94) | P. Beaudon, P. Moin | Numerical Experiments on the Flow Past a Circular Cylinder at Sub-Critical Reynolds Number |
TF-63 (Feb-95) | K. Akselvoll, P. Moin | Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Confined Coannular Jets and Turbulent Flow Over a Backward Facing Step |
TF-64 (Mar-95) | S.A. Jacobson, W.C. Reynolds | An Experimental Investigation Towards the Active Control of Turbulent Boundary Layers |
TF-65 (Jun-95) | T. Colonius, P. Moin, S.K. Lele | Direct Computation of Aeordynamic Sound |
TF-66 (Nov-95) | B.E. Mitchell, S.K. Lele, P. Moin | Direct Computation of the Sound Generated by Subsonic and Supersonic Axisymmetric Jets |
TF-67 (Jan-96) | G. Lu, S.K. Lele | A Numerical Investigation of Skewed Mixing Layers |
TF-68 (Mar-96) | Y. Na, P. Moin | Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers with Adverse Pressure Gradient and Separation |
TF-69 (May-96) | K. Mahesh, P. Moin, S.K. Lele | The Interaction of a Shock Wave with a Turbulent Shear Flow |
TF-70 (Aug-97) | J. Chacín, B. Cantwell | Study of Turbulence Structure Using the Invariants of the Velocity Gradient Tensor |
TF-71 (Apr-97) | S.S. Collis, S.K. Lele | A Computational Investigation of Receptivity in High-Speed Flow Near a Swept Leading-Edge |
TF-72 (Sep-97) | J.B. Freund, P. Moin, S.K. Lele | Compressibility Effects in a Turbulent Annular Mixing Layer |
TF-73 (Feb-98) | A.G. Kravchenko, P. Moin | B-Spline Methods and Zonal Grids for Numberical Simulations of Turbulent Flows |
TF-74 (Dec-98) | Y. Shabany, P.A. Durbin | Development and Analysis of a Well-Posed Model for the Turbulent Dispersion Tensor |
TF-75 (Aug-99) | M.J. Day, N.N. Mansour, W. C. Reynolds | Structure and Stability of Compressible Reacting Mixing Layers |
TF-76 (Aug-99) | T. R. Bewley, P. Moin | Optimal and Robust Control and Estimation of Transition, Convection, and Turbulence |
TF-77 (Jan-00) | R.G. Jacobs, P.A. Durbin | Bypass Transition Phenomena Studied by Computer Simulation |
TF-78 (Dec-99) | T.A. Manning, S.K. Lele | A Numerical Investigation of Sound Generation in Supersonic Jet Screech |
TF-79 (May-00) | S.M. Kumar, W.C. Reynolds, T.W. Kenny | An Investigation of MEMS-Based Transducers for Boundary Layer Control |
TF-80 (Jun-01) | C.D. Pierce, P. Moin | Progress-Variable Approach for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion |
TF-81 (Sep-02) | T. Ikeda, P.A. Durbin | Direct Simulations of A Rough-Wall Channel Flow |
TF-82 (Jun-03) | E.P. Hammond, P. Moin | Numerical Simulation of Capacitively-Coupled, Radio Frequency Plasma Discharges |
TF-83 (Dec-03) | C. Lui, S.K. Lele | A Numerical Investigation of Shock-Associated Noise |
TF-84 (Dec-03) | C. Langer, W. C. Reynolds | A New Algebraic Structure-Based Turbulence Model for Rotating Wall-Bounded Flows |
TF-85 (Dec-03) | S. Haire, W.C. Reynolds | Toward An Affordable Two-Equation Structure-Based Turbulence Model |
TF-86 (May-04) | D. You, P. Moin, M. Wang, R. Mittal | Study of Tip Clearance Flow in a Turbomachinery Cascade Using Large Eddy Simulation |
TF-87 (Aug-04) | Z. Xiong, S.K. Lele | Stagnation Point Flow and Heat Transfer Under Free-Stream Turbulence |
TF-88 (Nov-04) | J.S. Paschkewitz, E.S.G. Shaqfeh | Turbulent Drag Reduction Using Rigid Microfibers |
TF-89 (Dec-04) | W. Hwang, J.K. Eaton | Modification of Homogeneous and Isotropic Turbulence by Solid Particles |
TF–90 (Jun-04) | S. Nagarajan, J.H. Ferziger, S.K. Lele | Leading Edge Effects in Bypass Transition |
TF-91 (Mar-05) | C.T. Wall, P. Moin | Numerical Methods for Large Eddy Simulation of Acoustic Combustion Instabilities |
TF-92 (Jun-05) | A.E. Honein, P. Moin | Numerical Aspects of Compressible Turbulence Simulations |
TF-93 (Jun-05) | P.M. Kodzwa, J.K. Eaton | Measurements of Film Cooling Performance in a Transonic Single Passage Model |
TF-94 (Jun-05) | C.D. Aubertine, J.K. Eaton | Reynolds Number Effects on an Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer |
TF-95 (Aug-05) | V.E. Terrapon, P. Moin | Lagrangian Simulations of Turbulent Drag Reduction by a Dilute Solution of Polymers |
TF-96 (Sep-05) | A.L. Marsden, P. Moin, W. Meng | Aerodynamic Noise Control by Optimal Shape Design |
TF-97 (Sep-05) | T.A. Zaki, P.A. Durbin | Continuous Mode Interaction and the Bypass Route to Transition |
TF-98 (Jan-06) | J.A. Templeton, P. Moin, M. Wang | Wall Models for Large-Eddy Simulation Based on Optimal Control Theory |
TF-99 (May-06) | C.W. Booten, C.J. Elkins, J.K. Eaton | Rapid Heat Transfer Measurements in Complex Internal Flows |
TF-100 (Dec-06) | A.A. Shirgaonkar, S.K. Lele | Large Eddy Simulations of Early Stage Aircraft Contrails |
TF-101 (Jan-07) | C.G. Matalanis, J.K. Eaton | Wake Vortex Alleviation Using Rapidly Actuated Segmented Gurney Flaps |
TF-102 (Mar-07) | T. Tanaka, J.K. Eaton | High Resolution Measurements of Turbulence Modification by Particles |
TF-103 (Mar-07) | L.C. Cheung, S.K. Lele | Aeroacoustic Noise Prediction and the Dynamics of Shear Layers and Jets Using the Nonlinear Parabolized Stability Equations |
TF-104 (Oct-07) | M. Ihme, H. Pitsch | Pollutant Formation and Noise Emission in Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames |
TF-105 (Oct-07) | M. Aryanpour, H. Pitsch | Ab-Initio Modeling of Electrochemistry in Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel Cells |
TF-106 (Mar-08) | D.J. Cook , H. Pitsch | Combustion and Ignition Modeling for IC Engines |
TF-107 (Aug-08) | A. Dhanda, H. Pitsch | Experimental Analysis, Modeling and Optimal Control of PEM Fuel Cell Electrochemistry |
TF-108 (Jun-08) | S. Kang, P. Moin, G. Iaccarino | An Improved Immersed Boundary Method for Computation of Turbulent Flows with Heat Transfer |
TF-109 (Nov-08) | V. Rai, H. Pitsch | Molecular Modeling of PEM Fuel Cell Electrochemistry |
TF-110 (Dec-08) | Q. Wang, P. Moin, G. Iaccarino | Uncertainty Quantification for Unsteady Fluid Flow using Adjoint-Based Approaches |
TF-111 (Apr-09) | A.J. Onstad, J.K. Eaton | Additions to Compact Heat Exchanger Technology: Jet Impingement Cooling & Flow & Heat Transfer in Metal Foam-Fins |
TF-112 (Mar-09) | L. Shunn, P. Moin | Large-Eddy Simulation of Combustion Systems with Convective Heat-Loss |
TF-113 (Jun-09) | A. Mani, P. Moin | Optical Distortions by Compressible Turbulence |
TF-114 (Mar-08) | G. Blanquart, H. Pitsch | Chemical and Statistical Soot Modeling |
TF-115 (Jun-08) | P. Pepiot, H. Pitsch | Automatic Strategies to Model Transportation Fuel Surrogates |
TF-116 (Jun-08) | O. Desjardins, H. Pitsch | Numerical Methods for Liquid Atomization and Application in Detailed Simulations of a Diesel Jet |
TF-117 (Jun-09) | E. Knudsen, H. Pitsch | A Generalized Flamelet Model for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Reactive Flows |
TF-118 (Jun-10) | Y. Kahlighi, P. Moin | Computational Aeroacoustics of Complex Flows at Low Mach Number |
TF-119 (Aug-10) | R. Bhaskaran, S.K. Lele | Large Eddy Simulation of High Pressure Turbine Cascade |
TF-120 (Jun-10) | M. Shoeybi, P. Moin | A Hybrid Implicit-Explicit Method for the LES of Compressible Flows on Unstructured Grids |
TF-121 (Mar-11) | E.M. Doran, H. Pitsch | A Multi-Dimensional Flamelet Model for Ignition in Multi-Feed Combustion Systems |
TF-122 (Jun-11) | D. Richter, G. Iaccarino | The Effects of Viscoelasticity on the Transitioning Cylinder Wake |
TF-123 (Apr-11) | M.J. Benson, J.K. Eaton | 3D Velocity and Scalar Field Diagnostics Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Applications in Film-Cooling |
TF-124 (Aug-10) | B.O. Kolade, J.K. Eaton | Experimental Investigation of a Three-Dimensional Separated Diffuser |
TF-125 (Jul-11) | D. Kim, P. Moin | Direct Numerical Simulation of Two-Phase Flows with Application to Air Layer Drag Reduction |
TF-126 (Jul-11) | D.B. Helmer, J.K. Eaton | Measurements of a Three-Dimensional Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction |
TF-127 (Jun-12) | K. P. Lo, J. Eaton | Flow Separation Control for Robust Conical Diffuser Design |
TF-128 (Jun-12) | D.A. Philips, G. Iaccarino | Modeling Scalar Dispersion in Urban Environments |
TF-129 (Jun-12) | J. Axerio-Cilies, G. Iaccarino | Predicting Formula 1 Tire Aerodynamics: Sensitivities, Uncertainties & Optimization |
TF-130 (Jun-12) | A.M. Padilla, J.K. Eaton | The Effect of Upstream Pertubations on 3D Annular Diffusers |
TF-131 (Jun-12) | E. Issakhanian, J.K. Eaton | 3D Velocity and Scalar Field Measurements of Discrete Hole Film Cooling Flows |
TF-132 (Jun-12) | T. Sayadi, P. Moin | Numerical Simulation of Controlled Transition to Developed Turbulence in Zero-Pressure-Gradient Flat-Plate Boundary Layer |
TF-133 (Jun-12) | V. Le Chenadec, H. Pitsch | A Stable and Conservative Framework for Detailed Numerical Simulation of Primary Atomization |
TF-134 (Jun-13) | C. Schmitt, H. Pitsch | A Hydrodynamic/Acoustic Splitting Approach for the Prediction of Combustion Induced Noise |
TF-135 (Jan-12) | A. Sharma, S.K. Lele | Acoustic Sources in Turbulent Mixing Layers: Effect of Heating and Initial Boundary Layer State |
TF-136 (Jun-12) | V. Mittal, H. Pitsch | A Multi-Regime Combustion Model for Reactive Flow in Internal Combustion Engines |
TF-137 (Nov-13) | S.T. Bose, P. Moin | Explicitly Filtered Large-Eddy Simulation: With Application to Grid Adaptation and Wall Modeling |
TF-138 (Jul-14) | J. Ling, J.K. Eaton | Improvements in Turbulent Scalar Mixing Modeling for Trailing Edge Slot Film Cooling Geometries: A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach |
TF-139 (Jul-14) | L. Campo, J.K. Eaton | Effects of Shock Strength, Confinement, and Geometric Perturbations on Shock Boundary Layer Interactions |
TF-140 (Jun-12) | M.E. Mueller, H. Pitsch | Large Eddy Simulation of Soot Evolution in Turbulent Reacting Flows |
TF-141 (Sep-14) | G.I. Park, P. Moin | Wall-Modeled Large Eddy Simulation in an Unstructured Mesh Environment |
TF-142 (Jan-14) | K. Narayanaswamy, H. Pitsch | Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Jet Fuel Surrogates |
TF-143 (Apr-14) | M. Emory, G. Iaccarino | Estimating Model-Form Uncertainty in Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Closures |
TF-144 (May-15) | S.D. Yapa, J.K. Eaton | Turbulent Coolant Dispersion in the Wake of a Turbine Vane Trailing Edge |
TF-145 (Mar-15) | E.L. Sayles, J.K. Eaton | Sensitivity of Separated Flow in a Three-Dimensional, Asymmetric Diffuser to Inlet Condition Perturbations |
TF-146 (Mar-16) | M. Mortazavi, A. Mani | Air Entrainment and Micro-Bubble Generation by Turbulent Breaking Waves |
TF-147 (Mar-16) | N. Kseib, G. Iaccarino | Data Driven and Uncertainty Aware Physical Modeling |
TF-148 (Jun-16) | C. Druzgalski, A. Mani | Direct Numerical Simulation of Electroconvective Chaos Near an Ion-Selective Membrane |
TF-149 (Jun-16) | Y. Lu, M. Ihme | Embedded Entropy Concept for Fluid Dynamic Simulations with Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme |
TF-150 (Jan-17) | J. Seo, A. Mani | Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flows over Superhydrophobic Surfaces |
TF-151 (Apr-17) | C.B. Ivey, P. Moin | Geometric Volume-of-Fluid Framework for Simulating Two-Phase Flows on Unstructured Meshes |
TF-152 (Jun-17) | M. H. Pour Ansari, E. Darve, A. Mani | Fast Linear Algebra Algorithms with Applications in Computational Flow Physics |
TF-153 (Sep-17) | J.A. Dunnmon, M. Ihme | Development of X-Ray Absorption Diagnostics for Gas-Phase Reacting Flows |
TF-154 (Sep-17) | A. Frankel, G. Iaccarino, A. Mani | Modeling Radiation Transport in Particle-Laden Turbulent Media |
TF-155 (Sep-17) | J.D. O’Brien, M. Ihme | Hybrid Modeling of Engine Core Noise |
TF-156 (Sep-17) | S.M. Davidson, A. Mani | A Comprehensive Investigation of Electroconvection in Canonical Electrochemical Environments |
TF-157 (Jan-18) | H. Abdehkakha, G. Iaccarino | Computational Modeling of Wall-Bounded Particle-Laden Turbulent Flows |
TF-158 (Jan-18) | S. Alizadeh, A. Mani | Nonlinear Electrokinetic Transport in Microscale and Nanoscale Porous Structures |
TF-159 (Jan-18) | K. Grogan, M. Ihme | Modeling and Simulation of Non-Ideal Combustion |
TF-160 (Apr-18) | A.J. Banko, J.K. Eaton | Radiation Absorption by Inertial Particles in a Turbulent Square Duct Flow |
TF-161 (Apr-18) | P.C. Ma, M. Ihme | Modeling of Turbulent Mixing and Combustion at Transcritical Conditions |
TF-162 (Apr-18) | H. Wu, M. Ihme | Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Reacting Flows with Finite-Rate Chemistry and Combustion-Model Adaptation |
TF-163 (Sep-18) | H. J. Bae, P. Moin | Investigation of Dynamic Subgrid-Scale and Wall Models for Turbulent Boundary Layers |
TF-164 (Sep-18) | C. Chen, E.F. Darve | Parallel Hierarchical Linear Solvers and Fast Multipole Methods with Applications |
TF-165 (Sep-18) | S. Ganguli, S.K. Lele | Computational Analysis of Canonical Problems Arising in the Interaction of Heated Particles and a Fluid |
TF-166 (Sep-18) | J.A.K. Horwitz, A. Mani | Verifiable Point-Particle Methods for Two-Way Coupled Particle-Laden Flows |
TF-167 (Sep-18) | Q. Wang, M. Ihme | A Regularized Deconvolution Method for Large-Eddy Simulations of Multiphase Reacting Flows |
TF-168 (Jan-19) | D.D. Borup, C.J. Elkins, J.K. Eaton | 3D Particle Concentration Measurement in Turbulent Flows Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
TF-169 (Apr-19) | M. Bassene, P. Moin, J. Urzay | Subgrid-Scale Modeling and Wavelet Analysis for Preferential Concentration of Inertial Point Particles in Turbulence Flows |
TF-170 (Aug-18) | C.W. Hamman, P. Moin | Numerical Experiments in Thermal Convection With and Without Mean Shear |
TF-171 (Aug-19) | S. Mirjalili, A. Mani | A Novel Diffuse Interface Method for Two-Phase Flows and Application in Simulation of Micro-Bubble Entrainment |
TF-172 (Jul-19) | D.S. Ching, C.J. Elkins, J.K. Eaton | Geometric Sensitivity, Wake Dynamics, and Machine Learning Turbulence Modeling on a Skewed Bump |
TF-173 (Sep-19) | K.M. Wang, A. Mani | On the Scale Dependence of Flow Structures and Transport in Chaotic Electroconvection |
TF-174 (Dec-20) | S. Sobhani, M. Ihme | Computational and Experimental Investigation of Flow and Combustion Physics in Porous Media |
TF-175 (Dec-20) | Z. del Rosario, G. Iaccarinio | Precision Margin: First-Principles Margins for Aircraft Design under Uncertainty |
TF-176 (Dec-20) | P.M. Milani, J. Ling, J.K. Eaton | Machine Learning Approaches to Model Turbulent Mixing in Film Cooling Flows |
TF-177 (Dec-20) | W.H.R. Chan, P. Moin | The Bubble Breakup Cascade in Turbulent Breaking Waves and Its Implications on Subgrid-Scale Modeling |
TF-178 (Mar-21) | E. Ching, M. Ihme | Development of High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Simulations of High-Speed Particle-Laden Fluid Flows |
TF-179 (Mar-21) | H. Torres, G. Iaccarino | Simulations of Particle Laden Turbulence in a Radiation Environment Using Heterogeneous High Performance Computing Systems |
TF-180 (Mar-21) | H. Pacella, G. Iaccarino | Modern Programming Models for GPU-Accelerated Heterogeneous Supercomputers: Computational Fluid Dynamics and In-Situ Data Compression |
TF-181 (Aug-21) | N. Schiavone, A. Marsden, J.K. Eaton | Bioprosthetic Pulmonary Valve Hemodynamics in Tetralogy of Fallot Patients |
TF-182 (Dec-21) | S.S. Jain, P. Moin, A. Mani | A Novel Diffuse-Interface Model and Numerical Methods for Compressible Turbulent Two-Phase Flows and Scalar Transport |
TF-183 (Dec-21) | D.W. Hoffman, J.K. Eaton | The Role of Turbulence in the Aggregation of Ash Particles in Volcanic Plumes |
TF-184 (Mar-22) | J.F. Heyse, G. Iaccarino | Data-driven and Physics-Constrained Uncertainty Quantification for Turbulence Models |
TF-185 (Mar-22) | H. Hwang, P. Moin | Optimized Amplification of Interface Distortions on Liquid Jets |
TF-186 (Jun-22) | Y. Shirian, A. Mani | Application of Macroscopic Forcing Method (MFM) for Revealing Turbulence Closure Model Requirements |
TF-187 (Jun-22) | S. Harris, P. Moin | Some Numerical Considerations for Prediction of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Boundary Layers |
TF-188 (May-22) | J.H. Kim, J.K. Eaton | The Temperature Coupling Effects in Radiatively Heated Particle-Laden Flows |
TF-189 (Dec-22) | K.P. Griffin, P. Moin | Modeling and Simulation of Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows with Pressure-gradient and Compressibility Effects |
TF-190 (Dec-22) | K. Matsuno, S. Lele | Compressibility, Variable Density, and Curvature Effects on Turbulent Shear Layers |
TF-191 (Mar-23) | K. Goc, P. Moin | Towards Certification by Analysis: Large-Eddy Simulations of Commercial Aircraft Across the Flight Envelope |
TF-192 (Mar-23) | J. West, S. Lele | Flow Physics of Radiatively Heated Particle-Laden Channel Flow and Simulation Methods for Shock-Driven Problems in Materials with Strength |
TF-193 (Dec-23) | D. Park, A. Mani | Direct Measurement of Eddy Viscosity and Analysis of Non-Boussinesq Effects in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows |
TF-194 (Mar-24) | J. Liu, A. Mani | Analysis of Nonlocal Effects in Turbulence Closures with Application to Wall-Bounded Flows |
TF-195 (Jun-24) | B. Bornhoft, P. Moin | Large Eddy Simulations of Aircraft Icing Aerodynamics |
TF-196 (Aug-24) | A. Balaji-Wright, A. Mani | Macroscopic Models and Efficient Numerical Solvers for Nonlinear Reaction–Transport Phenomena in Electrochemical Cells |
TF-197 (Aug-24) | H. Song, S. Lele | High-Resolution Simulations of Compressible Turbulent Flows |
TF-198 (Nov-24) | M.B.D. Augustine, G. Iaccarino | Dataset Construction and Characterization for Learning Automotive Aerodynamics |
TF-199 (Dec-24) | K. Liu, A. Mani | Analysis of Homogenized Boundary Conditions for Turbulent Flows over Superhydrophobic Surfaces |
TF-200 (Dec-24) | O. Shende, A. Mani | Reduced-Order Modeling for Reactive Scalars in Turbulent Flows |